Code of Conduct
Students should aim to train at least twice a week if they wish to participate in gradings. Gradings are a good way of monitoring your progress and personal development. Training less than two times a week may not be sufficient for students to develop and progress through the system.
Students should bow on entering and leaving the training hall.
Students should show respect to the training hall and to fellow students and instructors.
Students should be clean and tidy.
Long hair should be tied back.
Finger and toe nails should be clean and preferably short.
Any cuts should be covered with a suitable dressing, all medical conditions should be reported to the instructor.
All jewellery should be removed before training commences.
Clothing worn for training should be clean and tidy.
Sashes/belts should be worn only with the correct uniform.
Students should follow instruction carefully and uphold common sense at all times. Students should hold an up to date licence
Lessons begin with a warm up session which may involve aerobic exercise to increase blood flow and prepare the body. We stretch to help mobilise joints and surrounding areas in preparation for the movements we will perform in th lesson. You should work at your own pace through this stage, but should bear in mind the need to increase tempo and duration of exercise as your ability develops. If at any time you feel uncomfortable during exercises please stop and inform the instructor.
It is important that every student acts responsibly whilst in the training hall, good behaviour is essential. Please respect your surroundings and each other at all times
Students are advised to buy protective equipment such as semi contact gloves, feet protectors, shin guards, head guard, groin guard (male), chest protector (female) and gum shield. Although the Sheffield Academy promotes control during sparring (free fighting) , added protection is strongly recommended.